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Sunday, August 29, 2010

Ramblings of an unstable mind!

  • Information visualization can reveal stunning insights, some of which are quite contrary to intuition. They reveal the world as is and help us frame theories based on facts
  • A reference or datum is very essential in understanding and perception. The question of 'so much' as compared to 'this' is more important than just 'so much', which can be misleading sometimes
  • We tend to overfit one cycle and thereby lose on accuracy to predict other cycles. Connecting the dots needs to balance the ability to weave a story against the long term play of nature
  • We are good story tellers because of our evolutionary trait to create rules to compress data in the brain. We are not good at anticipating disruptive changes precisely due to this ability.
  • The law of cause and effect tends to go out of sync with the passage of time. There is always an expiry date associated with the theories of cause and effect
  • Order and chaos are both intrinsic to the design of nature. Order is the portion of nature where we impose 'understanding' on and consequently Chaos is the portion which cannot be understood with a consistent explanation
  • Order and chaos are intertwined. They emerge from and dissolve into each other.
  • There are two sides to a coin. The unseen can be inferred from what is seen. What is not spoken tends to carry more important messages than what is spoken.

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